Is Your Business Making an Impact?

I love and follow lots of inspirational blogs — especially those written by business folks or entrepreneurs.

One of my favorite blog authors is Evan Carmichael who authors the Entrepreneur blog.  I receive his weekly email and I would like to share part of his post from earlier this month:

Make an impact.Evan Carmichael

It’s your duty to make an impact and help other people.

If you see something that should be fixed, shine a light on it and fix it.

If you see someone who can be helped, help them and get others involved.

It’ll make you feel great as well as everyone else around you.

And it’s good business.

Your business needs a soul.

Your business needs to stand for something.

Your business needs to do things because it’s the right thing to do, not because it’s just a fast path to making money.

When you make people FEEL something towards your business, they’ll buy whatever it is you’re selling because they love you.

Go out and make an impact on someone’s life today.

Be proud of the life you’re living and the business you’re building.


I love the line:  “Your business needs a soul.”  Personally, I have never thought of my business in this way.

“Your business needs to stand for something.”  Pretty much a re-phrasing of the same concept.

This poem, if I can call it that, really made me think about my business and what I wish to accomplish.  It is MY duty to make an impact and help other people!!  A good motto for any entrepreneur.

What are your thoughts on this poem?  Do you think your business needs a soul or needs to, at least, stand for something?  Are you making an impact on other people?

I think I am going to print this out and paste it to my office wall!

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