Business Tips — Know Your Limits

A series of Business Tips from the book:Know Your Limits

Know Your Limits – Then Ignore Them

by John Mason

Limits are thrown at us every day.  Each day we have a choice to accept or reject them.
— John Mason

John and this particular book is filled with 101  ‘nuggets’ of wisdom that help us look beyond our limits.

I love the story he uses in the Introduction to the book about the elephant, who has been taught since it was young, that the staked rope attached to its leg is stronger than he/she is.  Of course, as the story goes, when the elephant gets bigger and older, he/she is strong enough to easily pull up the stake.  But because of their conditioning, he/she believes they can never be freed.

How many of us are like that?  Maybe our parents told us something, or our classmates … or maybe you told yourself — that we could not accomplish one thing or another … and we believed it!

Over the next week, I will share a few of John’s 101 nuggets on moving past your limits.

Stay tuned for more of my favorite nuggets…


Nothing significant was ever accomplished by a realistic person.
— John Mason

It is very easy to justify why a certain plan or product won’t work.  Realistic is not the best way to grow as you can ‘realistically’ talk yourself out of anything.

‘I can’t do such-and-such because no one will like it’ or ‘I can’t afford it’ or ‘I don’t have the skill/knowledge to do it’.

Why limit yourself like that?!!

How about if we act as if we could not fail!  When we look at life and business as if it could not fail, we start seeing opportunities everywhere.

Security is a myth in today’s society.  Nothing is a ‘sure thing’ and nothing is guaranteed!

So how about we quite trying to be ‘realistic’ and launch out and try something new and different!


If you find an excuse, don’t pick it up… You can fall down many times, but you won’t be a failure until you say that someone else pushed you.
— John Mason

If you have a desire to invent, don’t invent excuses!

I love this quote!!  Not only does it apply to ourselves, it also applies to blaming other people for our mistakes and shortcomings.

We, as people, serious stunt our personal growth when we blame others for our mistakes and failures.  If we are open to what life has to teach us, we will develop the ability to use our mistakes as stepping stones to success.  But if we blame others, rather than taking responsibility for ourselves, we just halt any possibility of learning.

Also, we waste a lot of creative energy making up excuses that we could be using on creating, developing and growing.


Persistent people begin their success where most others quit.
— John Mason

Most of my past success was gained by persistence!  Not what I know, not how well I sell or write, but how persistent I am!

People have told me over the years that it was my persistence that prompted them to buy my products, join my email lists or Facebook groups, and even join my particular church.

Having lots of sales background, I learned the importance of persistence quickly.  In other words, if I gave up too early, I lost the sale.

Persistence means to hang in there until you reach your goals.  It is a steady building one task, one contact, one step on top of another to reach the results you want.  The best does not happen easily or overnight.

Hang on one more minute and see what happens!


Count your blessings and you’ll always show a profit.
— John Mason

Do you ‘count your blessings’ or do you complain about everything that seems to go wrong?

Being grateful for what you have can bring the greatest blessing in your life.  When you learn to appreciate all the little things, you give room for even bigger things!

I have found that a person’s attitude towards life determines what happens to them.  In other words, if you are sure that you your business is not a blessing but a drain of your time, it will become a great drain and will eventually fail.

If you don’t see the blessings for the things in your life, you will live a sad life of regret.  But seeing the little blessings always brings bigger ones!

What are you thankful for today?


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