Crafting an Email Subject Line

Last week, we talked about SEO Tricks for your website.  Today, I’d like to address writing your email subject lines.

Your email subject line is the most important words in your email.  Why?  Because if you don’t have an enticing subject line, your readers will not open and read your email!

Here are some good tips I learned from the Sales Force website:

How to Write the Most Important 50 Characters of Your Email

Fifty characters: That’s the limit of an email subject line. With such a small space, what you put in that doesn’t really matter—does it?

The answer is: It probably matters more than you realize. It can grab attention, or turn it off. It can help a reader take the next step—or it can prompt them to quickly hit “delete.”

Writing a perfect email subject line isn’t as difficult as it might sound. What it requires, however, is a goal: What do you want the email to accomplish? You must always, always keep it short and direct and think about your readers—with every character.

Here are a few simple tips to help you create enticing email subject lines:

  • Have a goal in mind when creating your subject line
  • Keep it short and simple
  • Write the right subject line for your subscribers
  • Be specific and personalize it when possible.
  • Ask a question to interest your readers
  • Create a call to action and make it urgent!

Want to figure out more about writing the best email subject lines for your audience? Use the graphic from the experts at SalesForce.















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