Developing a Sales Mindset

Having the best sales mindset before you meet with your first buyer helps build rapport during your meeting.

If you enjoy meeting and working with people, the sales presentation should be fun for you.  Meeting retailers is interesting and rewarding, and many will develop into good friends over time. Even if you are highly introverted or shy, with a little practice, you will find that “Telling Your Story” is an enjoyable process. Soon, meeting new store owners and buyers can turn into a favorite activity.

Best Tip for Sales Success (even if you are selling over the phone)!

If I were to offer one best tip for success (especially in selling), that would be Developing a Sales MindsetSMILE! A warm, genuine smile opens more doors than any other single tactic. (And believe it or not, smiling will reflect a positive tone in your voice that will be ‘heard’ over the phone!) Practice thinking of things that put a warm fuzzy in your heart, whether a pet or a funny event or joke and showcase that wide-open smile every time you meet or contact a retailer representative!

Of course, regardless of your efforts, if you get an occasional sourpuss – and you will! – just let it roll off your back, smile, thank them for their time, and hit the exit. Don’t take it personally. They are either experiencing a bad day, or they are like that with everyone. You will find running into an unfriendly person is actually a blessing… you now know better than to sell them something and PROLONG the agony with fulfillment, billing, collections, and re-orders.

But, even if you would still rather be home working on your products, instead of “selling”, hopefully, this section helps put your fears to rest.

When I first started my sales rep business, I looked at each new store as a place to find a potential friend or a set of friends I’d not yet met!  Using this approach put my apprehension in a proper perspective and made it easier to talk with buyers! And remember, they need you, just as much as you need them… they are always looking for new products to replace 20% of their slowest moving store inventory with tomorrow’s winners!  Eighty (80) percent of store inventory includes their past proven bread and butter, which they re-stock regularly… but even these are replaced periodically.

Your job is to be one of the NEW lines that will turn into an old stand-by. When that happens, your stock rises, and you become a “preferred vendor”… what a rush!


~ Developing a Sales Mindset is an excerpt taken from my popular, and recently revised, eguide:  The Complete EGuide for Selling to Gift and Independent Retailers.  You can find more information on how to order and receive the SEVEN bonuses when purchasing this valuable guide by clicking here.


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