Inspirational Words by Victor Kiam

Victor Kermit Kiam II (December 7, 1926 – May 27, 2001) was an American entrepreneur Inspirational Words by Victor Kiamand TV spokesman for Remington Products, and the owner of the New England Patriots football team from 1988–1991. He was well-known for his turnaround of Remington’s fortunes, as well as for his commercials written by his director of advertising and sales promotion at Benrus, Howard Shavelson, whom he first worked with on the Playtex Cross Your Heart Bra commercials.

“Entrepreneurs are risk takers, willing to roll the dice with their money or reputation on the line in support of an idea or enterprise. They willingly assume responsibility for the success or failure of a venture and are answerable for all its facets.”

Are you a risk-taker?  If so, then you are in good company as a creative entrepreneur.

I don’t see any way to fully embrace your own business without taking risks.  In a sense, risk-taking is the ingredient of being creative.  You are challenging the norm to express what is inside of you!

And when you find that one idea, that “pet rock” that you have created, it could easily profit you immensely! 

I am sure this is the path that Victor Kiam took when first invested himself in Remington and their products.  Or when he decided to work with Playtex on their “Cross Your Heart” bras (both of which, by the way, are household names).

Are you ready and willing to put yourself and your reputation on the line for your idea and/or product?  To truly be a successful entrepreneur, I believe that is what we need to do!

I would like to share one final quote from Victor Kiam — which may explain the diligence and stamina needed as a  creative entrepreneur:

“Even if you fall on your face, you’re still moving forward.”

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