Enjoy Your Holidays

Enjoy your holidays? I get it! This is a crazy time of the year even when you are not a creative entrepreneur!!Enjoy Your Holidays

How can you enjoy your holidays when you are shipping out orders every day, trying to wrap presents for your loved ones, working on your Christmas dinner menu… I know, I’ve been there!! And this does not even take into account those who are running holiday booths for twelve hours a day!!

Over nearly 10 years of writing articles, I have shared tips and suggestions on how to enjoy your holidays without getting stress out.  I would like to share these tips with you:

The best of the best tips for dealing with the holiday season:

5 Tips for Thriving During the Holiday

Dealing with Holiday Stress

Motivation During the Holiday Season

And one of my favorite article which suggests we celebrate the season with love, compassion, and understanding!:

Christmas Gift List

I suggest if you are feeling stressed, stop for a moment.  Remember all the reasons why you decided to become a creative entrepreneur.  Maybe take a break from it all for a few minutes to enjoy the winter scene outside.  Take a drive through the neighborhood and enjoy the beautiful lights and decorations.  Or call and talk to a loved one!

A few minutes away won’t change your situation, but it may give you the break that you need to move forward.

YES, Enjoy Your Holiday Season!

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