Get Publicity for Your Artwork

Getting Publicity for Your Artwork and products is a wonderful way to get the word out about your line of products.  But how do you get publicity?

The Arts Business Institute features a detailed article on the subject:

Artists – Get Press Savvy and Get Publicity

Want to get publicity for your work and yourself as an artist?

Press releases have long been a traditional way to reach out to reporters and editors. Today, you may have more success by pitching your story to the press through email contact.  These can be directed toward blogs and publications that cater to your target audience. Contacting members of the press this way may get you an interview – a terrific, free way to get exposure, and even lead readers to your website to find out more information about you and your work.

  • Help a (HARO) is a popular website where reporters and sources connect. …
  • Email Pitches — Would you like to reach out to publications that cater to your target customer for inclusion in an article or to be interviewed? After identifying them, go to their website and search for their editorial calendar….
  • Interview Prep — And when you are contacted to do an interview? Be prepare with “talking points,” (at least half a dozen) and use stories, statistics, and other information to back up your points. …


Stay tuned to this blog for more information on the Arts Business Institute!

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