You probably noticed that I missed my usual posting day yesterday. Schedules are good for me, so I rarely miss one, but this last week has been very different! I am having trouble concentrating on Selling Wholesale — so rather than write a sub-standard article, I am just going to send a personal update and a free report.
Most of you know that I had been sick a few years ago with a severe gluten sensitivity and all the problems it caused (the doctors were treating me for early stages of Alzheimers). Thankfully, the sensitive was discovered, the offending foods eliminated, and the worst of the symptoms subsided.
Unfortunately, the years of eating gluten damaged some of my minor brain functions …. most people don’t see the problem, but when there is too much stress or changes going on in my life, I become unable to focus clearly or sometimes even follow simple direction.
Well, this last week, I have been struggling. In a nut shell, my laptop refuses to boot up and load, so rather than mess with the trouble of trying to get it to work right, I just haven’t turned it off in days. Then yesterday, we discovered that all our blogs (we have several) had been hacked into and 25,000 files are corrupt! Most of the blogs are still operational, but parts of the functionality is gone — at least for the moment! And, as things tend to go, this all happened on the back of some distressful issues concerning my adorable little step-granddaughters (don’t they say stuff like this comes in threes?).
So here I am, doing my best to focus and more forward to fix the issues I can and turn the ones I cannot over to God/Spirit. I am a praying person, and during these times, I spend more time in prayer and meditation to get me through the day.
Hopefully, I will be back on track soon with blogs fixed and on a different computer!
Just as a side note, I am thankful to everyone of you who supports me and reads my articles daily. Helping you gives my life purpose and meaning — beyond my shortcomings
As a special gift for reading through all of this, I want to share a report with you that I received from a fellow marketer:
How to Use Pinterest for Your Business
Have a great week!
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