My husband is the king of ad writing for the Moneysaver/Nichols Worth weekly ads newspapers. We are very successful with his short snippet ads in these paper for our products and events.
Success with publicity is a learned skill that I, personally, have not fully mastered. When I need help, I go to the experts such as Andreea Ayers.
I recently read an article by guest writer, Nicole Bare Kinney, on The Mogul Mom website — another expert in the publicity field. Here are her three favorite tips:
Publicity Secrets: Pulling Back the Curtain on the Wizard
The Most Important Rule of Publicity
Be persistent. If you only remember one thing I tell you about how to get publicity, make it that. I really can’t emphasize enough how much of PR work is just being politely relentless…. Journalists and bloggers get dozens, even hundreds, of pitches every day… I generally make 3-6 touches with a reporter per story, and I do this for a living… My rule of thumb is to check in with writers every 3 business days, alternating between email and phone messages (if you have both types of contact info).
Be Assertive —Repeat after me: I am an authority in my field. I am a credible source of information. My business is newsworthy…. Don’t pretend to be something you’re not, but whether you’re pitching your story or you’re giving an interview, never sell yourself short. It’s a low competence trigger, and it’s the most counterproductive thing you can do for your publicity, because it tells writers that you’re not worth writing about.
Rejection: Figure Out What “No” Really Means — If a writer tells you she’s not going to be able to do a story on your company, don’t just hang up immediately. Stay friendly, but before you let the phone call end, or put the email in your trash folder, shoot her back a quick, “Thanks for getting back to me. Can you clarify for me what might make this a more newsworthy topic for you?” or “Can you give me a little more information on why you don’t feel this is pertinent to your readership, so that I can see whether there’s another angle that might make more sense for your publication?”
Implementing these three tips may be the winning combination to success with publicity!