Now is the time to prepare for the spring/summer trade shows. If you plan to exhibit, I hope you have done all the registration work, but then what?
Even if you put together the best looking booth with wonderful products and displays, you may not get the best viewing unless you plan your strategy ahead of time.
Meryl Hooker, an expert in trade show selling, suggests the following tips when preparing for your show:
1. Set up appointments with your customers at the show. Take full advantage of being under the same roof as buyers with open to buy budgets. Put your slick selling skills to work and watch your order totals blow up when your buyers can see the entire line on display before them….
2. Set up appointments with industry people. Make a list of the people you want to meet and contact them now…Take the time to get to know sales managers or company owners on a more personal level. You will be amazed at how this can benefit you.
3. Schedule your days. Do not roll into a trade show without an agenda. Don’t make the mistake of hoping you can fill things up as you go. Get in touch with manufacturers, customers, sales reps and your industry colleagues and set up times to meet, greet and have fun together….
4. Set up your post-show schedule now. When you get home, you’re going to have a stack of follow up calls to make. Schedule time for those calls now – before you go…. As you call your show leads, keep in mind that many manufactures extend show specials in the weeks following the actual show dates so don’t feel like you need to be stingy with those promotions….
5. Get yourself ready. …Make sure you are well rested and well hydrated going in. Get some extra sleep, take your vitamins, eat well and don’t slack on your workouts during the weeks leading up to the show. Your body will thank you!
Read Meryl’s full article: You Want Me to Do What?
Meryl co-authored, with Rob Fortier, a excellent book on the subject:
Showtime! — The greeting card and gift company’s guide to trade show success.