With Spring just around the corner, you may be planning on exhibiting in a show, festival, fair or farmer’s markets. While you are planning, you might check out the following strategies and suggestions. (Although these suggestions are geared towards retail shows, most of them will also work for wholesale shows):
- ALWAYS be present in your show booth. I remember a show we did in the
local mall when my ‘neighbor’ asked me if I would watch her booth while she visited the bathroom. No problem, right? Well, she ended up missing for over an hour!! I was not able to man two booths at once for that long, so needless to say, I ended up turning people away from my ‘neighbor’s’ booth. I am sure she lost sales!!
- Engage with every potential customer at your show booth. Make eye contact and welcome them. Always stand, if possible or sit on a bar stool so you will be on the same eye level. Let your potential customers know that you are there to answer any of their questions about you, your company or your products. If they are stopping by with a friend, make sure to address the friend and include them in the conversation when possible. Be Friendly!!
- Allow customer to touch, feel, taste or test your products. Hand them a particular piece they are interested in. As a sales rep, I discovered how holding a product often clinched the sale. Don’t be bashful about letting customers try your product (when and where applicable). Testers are a great way to increase sales. Be as generous as possible.
- Help them make a choice. If you know your products well, you should be able to guide a hesitant customer to the right product for their needs. Of course, listening to what they are saying (or not saying) is the key to knowing what to suggest. Often, customers just need a nudge in the right direction.
- Ask for their contact information. For example, you can offer them a percentage off their first sale or a free gift with their first order, if they will sign up for your newsletter. Or offer them a small gift on the spot after they sign up. You might even set up a special ‘secret’ page on your website where visitors to your booth can receive an after-show limited time special product or discount.
- Have free literature to give away. Giving your customers a special postcard, business card or flyer before they leave so they can contact you later. Include all your contact information, especially your name, your business name, phone, email and website. And if you decide to set up an after-show special, add that info to the free literature.
More Tips here:
- Tips for Increasing Traffic to Your Show Booth
- Drawing a Crowd to Your Retail Booth
- Tips for Running Your Craft Booth
- Selling at Retail Fairs and Shows
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