I’ve addressed why buyers don’t buy many times in my articles over the last 10 years. (Note: You can view some of those articles here: Buyers Don’t Buy) But recently, I ran across an emailed newsletter on the subject that literally made me laugh out loud! I want to share what Clare from Indie Retail Academy wrote on the subject:
When a store says “no” or doesn’t reply to your pitch email, here’s what it means:
– I haven’t read your email yet.
– I’d love to buy but there’s nothing left in our budget.
– I’m having a passionate affair with Pablo from Hair Hair Hair next door, and am too busy
buying frilly underthings and researching discreet B+Bs on Tripadvisor to think about stock.
– Your product isn’t right for our customers.
– I’ve got the flu.
– My inbox is so terrifyingly full I’ve stopped looking at new emails.
– I’m not sure if I trust you yet.
– We’re having a bad month and I’m scared to spend the money.
– I’m on holiday in Cancun. Okay, Skegness.
– I just bought something similar from another supplier.
– We haven’t sold through our last delivery from you yet.
– I haven’t planned for this purchase.
– I’m going to make a big order from you next month.
– I’m running an event in the shop and am completely distracted.
– Our upstairs neighbour left the taps running and now his bathtub is in my office.
– I bought something similar in the past and got burned and I don’t want to feel that embarrassed and disappointed again.
– Thinking about this will lead me to think about other things, like how I need a new display unit or should completely re-think our jewellery section, and I can’t deal with that right now.”
Many of Clare’s ‘reasons’ are just too funny. Many are also very true! Regardless of the humor, a lack of response from a buyer does not necessarily mean they are not interested in your products. Often, there are many other issues going on making it impossible to give an appropriate reply.