Question about Trade Show Sales Materials

Recently, a producer, planning their winter wholesale trade shows, asked the following question about wholesale trade show sales materials:

3,000 buyers are listed as attendees to the Trade Show this winter.  Based on the number of buyers attending, how many catalogs, flyers, business cards, etc should I have on hand?

Answer to the question about Trade Show Sales Materials:Question about Trade Show Sales Materials

Your question is not an easy one to answer.  There are many variables such as how many pieces of literature do you WANT to hand out; how many folks do you plan to give what materials to and which ones not; do you plan to create a special show promotion flyer; what is your post-show marketing plan?

Personally, I have not done any research as to the percentage of buyers who attend will buy a particular line of products.  This is especially more difficult if you have a niche product.  It is doubtful that more than 25% of the attendees will actually stop at your booth – but then, that is just a guess!

Just as a rule of thumb:  If you plan to create a special flyer for the show, make it one page with all contact info, etc. and give those out to as many people as possible (assuming you extend your offer past the actual show dates) which could amount to hundreds of copies or more. Some producers create and distribute a large-sized postcard that would work as the show special AND business card.

I would save your catalogs for those who either seem interested in your line or plan to buy.  Assuming that your catalog is standard before or after the show, you can print plenty of those as you can distribute them after the show as well. So how many to bring to a show is ultimately up to how many you wish to give out.

As, for your business cards, these are quick easy items to share – and the info should always be the same.  Assuming again, that you include all your contact info, including your website, I would print off whatever you feel you can afford and give out to as many people who will take them (Unless, of course, you plan to print up a special postcard.  If that is the case, you may not want to bother with extra business cards.)

And, last but not least, I would make sure you either collect or buy a list of potential buyers’ emails from the show.  You can always follow up with an email and digital copies of your catalogs and flyers. 

I know I was not very specific, but I hope this helps.

Interested in learning more tips on exhibiting in wholesale trade shows?  Check out my eguide:  Trade Show Exhibiting Secrets!

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