The New Year has started! Maybe you are feeling lost or disoriented about where your business is going … or should be going!
Announcing the 2021 1-on-1 Intention Setting Coaching Program which teaches Intention Setting Methods, used by successful people, to create workable goals for your business.
Whether you run an existing business or are looking to start one, this program can help you fine-tune your intentions and goals.
Over the years of studying personal development gurus, coaches, and spiritual leaders (along with my experience in the wholesale/retail industry), I have developed a systematic approach for setting intentions that are successful for growing your business.
I truly believe that within each of us, is the inner wisdom to developing realistic intentions. With the process I am going to guide you through, we can ….
- Find your true purpose and direction for you and your business
- Access this inner wisdom to reveal the direction to go
- Define our real needs based on our strengths and desires
- Set some attainable written intentions and goals to follow throughout the year
- Create a concise workable system
Although I created this process for entrepreneurs, I base it on proven results from gurus who have also developed their successful systems within their niche.
In this 2021 Setting Intentions Coaching Session package, you’ll have access to more resources to help you succeed!
- A 1-on-1 guided session through the three sections of accessing your inner
wisdom, developing your Being, Doing and Having desires, and mapping out your goals. ($100 value)
- Creative Entrepreneurs Intentions 21-page Workbook, to use during the session ($10 value)
- Personal workable plans and goals to help you through your business or business project. (Unlimited value)
In 2020, I led a workshop on settings intentions. Here is what one of the attendees of the original workshop says:
Sandy’s intention-setting (workshop) helped me remember and re-engage with who I am, which is what drives my work, whether creating products or intellectual property. There are not enough things that do that for us in daily life.
Listening to her ask the questions that matter with clarity and that loving heart that comes through in everything she does, snapped me right back into what matters and cleared away the ‘doubt fog’ that can creep in.
I am telling friends about her, and her caring, down-to-earth and informed style that I appreciate so much.
~ Lilli
And Lilli’s conclusion is based on just the process — not the extra 1-on-1 coaching you will be receiving when you purchase this program.
As a special 2021 Setting Intentions Coaching Program, I am extending a 25% off coupon — effective until February 2th.
Here are the details:
- 1-on-1 Intention Setting Coaching Program page with buy link:
- 20% off coupon code: 2021INTENTIONS
- Sale ends: February 2
Or you can go directly to the shopping cart. Remember to enter the coupon code: 2021INTENTIONS.
Although the program is available anytime, don’t miss out on the special 25% off pricing available through February 2nd.