Inspirational Words from Stephen Jurvetson

Stephen T. Jurvetson (born March 1, 1967) is an American businessman and venture capitalist. Formerly a partner of the firm Draper FisherInspirational Words from Stephen Jurvetson Jurvetson (DFJ), he was an early investor in Hotmail, Memphis Meats, Mythic and Nervana Systems. He is currently a board member of SpaceX and Tesla,  among others. He later co-founded the firm Future Ventures with Maryanna Saenko, who worked with him at DFJ

“I do think there are more and more entrepreneurs all the time that think big. Those are the people we should be finding and funding. Most of them will fail, but the ones who succeed will change the world, and that is progress.”

What a wonderful and inspiring thought! You and I, not big industry, have the ability to change the world.
Our country was founded on people who thought big and moved on their ideas.  It was not always a country (or world) of big corporations.  And honestly, even the big corporations of today began very much like you and me:  Creating and nurturing a big idea!!
Stephen Jurvetson sees the potential for smaller entrepreneurs and feels we should be found and funded!  WOW!!
Of course, in all honesty, many of us will fail.  Many of us will give up too quickly.  Many of us will get tired of the work and walk away.  But those who persevere will create products and services that will change the world!
Even if your business does not become as successful as the big brands, does not mean that you have not succeeded or that you have not changed a small part of your world.  We all have an impact on the world around us when we continue to create from the heart!
I would like to share one final quote from Stephen Jurvetson — which further explains his support of entrepreneurs:

“We’re impressed by people who don’t know what can’t be done.”

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