Inspirational Biz Tips from Morgan Freeman

A series of Business Tips from Morgan Freeman

Morgan Freeman (born June 1, 1937) is an American actor, producer and narrator. Freeman won an Academy Award in 2005 for Best Supporting Actor with Million Dollar Baby (2004), and he has received Oscar nominations for his performances in Street Smart (1987), Driving Miss Daisy (1989), The Shawshank Redemption (1994) and Invictus (2009). He has also won a Golden Globe Award and a Screen Actors Guild Award. Morgan Freeman is ranked as the 4th highest box office star with over $4.316 billion total box office gross, an average of $74.4 million per film.

Learning how to be still, to really be still and let life happen – that stillness becomes a radiance.
— Morgan Freeman

Practicing ‘stillness’ has been a challenge for me personally.  I was raised by a Type A father and mother who were very driven and taught me to model that life style for myself.

But there is certainly something to be said about being still and listening to your inner soul.  Many ideas come out of times of ‘stillness’.

It has taken me many years to learn that there are times to find a quiet spot to meditate and contemplate instead of always trying to do-do-do and go-go-go!!

If you can learn to slow down and take time to be still, I encourage you to do so.  The rewards can surprise you!


The best way to guarantee a loss is to quit.
~Morgan Freeman

Did you know that Morgan did not become a well-known actor until he was in his 50s?  What would have become of him if he had given up in his 40s??

If you quit, you guarantee that you will not be successful.  We all deal with ups and downs and times when we don’t think we can continue in the place we are stuck at any particular moment.

Often, when we hang in there one more day or for one more project or one more show, who knows what will happen.

But one thing is for sure, if we quit, we guarantee we will lose!

Where is it that you need to hang on a bit longer to see success in your life?


One of the things you can always depend on – this is one of the truths of the universe, and you heard it first from here – whatever we decide we want to do is what we do.
~Morgan Freeman

I love Morgan’s humor in this quote.  Coming from the man who played God in the movie, Bruce Almighty, brings extra humor to what he is saying.

If we break it down without the humor, this is what he is saying:

One of the things you can always depend on, whatever we decide we want to do is what we do.

We seldom ever engage in an activity that we haven’t already decided to do.  Right?!  So how about if we decide to do a particular project that will increase our income or well-being?  How about if we decide to replace a bad habit with a good one?  How about if we decided to dwell on the positive in our lives and world?

What a difference those decisions make in our lives!


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